The Traffic Directorate is subdivided into the Traffic Service, the Traffic Commissioner's Office and the specialists for traffic accident prevention and victim protection.

Babkock site
The Traffic Directorate is subdivided into the Traffic Service, the Traffic Commissioner's Office and the specialists for traffic accident prevention and victim protection.
At the beginning of February 2020, the directorate relocated to the "Babcock site" at Duisburger Straße 375 in Oberhausen-Lirich due to long-term construction work at the old Wilhelmplatz location. Investigators in the traffic commissioner's office there process the reported traffic offenses and conduct most of the interrogations or other personal appointments. All other criminal offenses are handled by the criminal investigation departments on Lindnerstraße.

The Traffic Directorate is subdivided into the Traffic Service, the Traffic Commissioner's Office and the specialists for traffic accident prevention and victim protection.

Hit and run
In Oberhausen, more than two thirds of hit-and-run accidents with personal injury were solved in 2019!
Opfer einer Unfallflucht haben Anspruch auf Schadenersatz. Unfallaufnahme und Bearbeitung der Polizei Oberhausen erfolgt sorgfältig und umfassend.
Denn dann haben die Sicherung von Spuren, das Festhalten des Unfallhergangs und noch vieles mehr Priorität. Doch was passiert mit den Opfern?

Management position

In the control center, traffic accidents are evaluated, accident clusters and accident phenomena are analyzed and statistically processed. Requests from the road traffic authority in particular, submissions from citizens and reports are evaluated and corresponding statements are issued.

The employees also take part in accident commissions and traffic surveys on the safe design of traffic areas.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110