Three injured after shots fired in Oberhausen

Three injured after shots fired in Oberhausen
Video: Press and public relationsVideoThree injured after shots fired in OberhausenLength: 00:51

Yesterday evening (October 29, 2022), shortly after 8 p.m., several shots were fired in the outdoor area of a fast food restaurant on Mülheimer Straße in Oberhausen.

According to the information available so far, there was initially a physical altercation between two groups. Later, a 51-year-old man (Turkish) from Essen shot at two men and a woman, all of whom live in Gelsenkirchen. A 49-year-old man was shot in the stomach and suffered life-threatening injuries. A 47-year-old woman was shot in the leg and a 28-year-old man was shot in the arm. All three people were taken to hospital and are receiving medical treatment. The 49-year-old is currently no longer in mortal danger.

It is possible that there are business relationships between the individuals, so it is not currently assumed that these are so-called accidental victims.

The Essen police have set up a homicide squad under the leadership of the Duisburg public prosecutor's office.

In connection with this matter, a 40-year-old Turkish man was provisionally arrested in Gelsenkirchen yesterday evening at around 10:30 pm. He is said to have been present at the crime, but not to have fired. He is currently in police custody.

The investigation into the background and the manhunt for the suspected shooter are continuing.

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The homicide squad that has been set up is now publicly searching for the 51-year-old suspected shooter Devrim K.

Here you can access our search portal with the corresponding photos:

Information on the whereabouts of the 51-year-old is being taken by the Essen police on 0201/829-0.

If you see the suspect, do not speak to him. Please do not put yourself in danger. He could still be armed. In this case, call the emergency number 110 immediately and report your location.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110