Interim guard in Oberhausen-Sterkrade starts operations

Interim guard in Oberhausen-Sterkrade starts operations
Video: Press and public relationsVideoInterim guard in Oberhausen-Sterkrade starts operationsLength: 00:27

Since Tuesday evening (13.09.), citizens have been able to find the North Police Station and the district service in the courtyard of the existing building (Wilhelmplatz), where a core renovation is being carried out. Barrier-free access to the station is only possible via Wilhelmstraße; to get there, citizens have to walk past the building on the right-hand side. The entrance is then a few meters to the left. To access the interim police station, please ring the bell and wait for the door to open. The station is (still) open 24 hours a day. An information video (see our social media channels) and a sign on the building (Wilhelmplatz) also show the way. Parking with motor vehicles in the inner courtyard is only permitted for police patrol cars or official police vehicles.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110