Added security for senior citizens

Added security for senior citizens
Video: Press and public relationsVideoAdded security for senior citizensLength: 01:48

Just in time for the start of the Christmas market at Centro, colleagues from the Oberhausen police were also present with a stand. They warned against pickpocketing, were available to answer citizens' questions and drew attention to the police's launch of the app "Gut versorgt in ... Oberhausen" app.

This app is aimed specifically at older users - from November 11, 2022, the Oberhausen police will also be represented with a tile in the areas of crime and traffic! Smartphones are already a matter of course for senior citizens. It's good if they also download one or two apps that are tailored to their needs. This includes the application "Gut versorgt in ... Oberhausen". The app has been specially designed for the older generation - it is particularly easy to use and offers information at a glance. The Oberhausen police are now also represented with a tile. In addition to a wide range of useful information, you can find current dates and tips on topics such as road safety and burglary protection. A further advantage: if the police notice, for example, an increase in fraud calls in the city area, the information is immediately sent as a so-called "push" message. This is then visible on the cell phone display - users are warned immediately.

"Unfortunately, senior citizens still fall for the clever scammers far too often," reports Jenny Verhoefen from the Crime Prevention and Victim Protection Department. "My hope is that as many people as possible will be warned by the police messages and not be put off by the scammers' calls, but simply hang up." Children and grandchildren can also help. "We always appeal to the younger generation in our warnings. They should keep an eye on older relatives, acquaintances or neighbors. When it comes to cell phones, they are usually the ones who help set them up or download apps," says the police officer. "They could explain the app and point out the benefits. That could be another step towards greater safety." Dirk Marten, road safety advisor in Oberhausen, also confirms this. "Being able to use the cell phone as a source of information for road safety is a great opportunity. In future, we can also use the app to provide information about planned rollator training, e-bike training and other events for senior citizens," he explains. For more safety in Oberhausen. The "Gut versorgt in" app can be used on both Android phones and iPhones. It can be downloaded from the app store and is also free of charge for users.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110