Victim protection
Victim protection and victim support
Anyone can be the victim of a crime, accident or other damaging event. The shock often runs deep and the effects sometimes last a lifetime.

In many cases, there is also a lack of sensitivity in the victim's social environment. This is why victims need help, understanding and support quickly. As a rule, the police are the first point of contact for victims.

Victim protection officer

Criminal Police Commissioner Sünbül Teoman is the Oberhausen police's victim protection officer. Her responsibilities include providing information and education on the topics of victim protection and victim support as well as establishing and maintaining a network with state and independent victim protection and victim support organizations. Chief Superintendent Katja Terhorst is also responsible for the area of traffic victim protection. She contacts relatives of fatally injured persons as well as seriously injured accident victims, their relatives, witnesses and first aiders. But it also contacts those responsible for the accident. This is because it is often overlooked that they are suffering from the damage caused or want to make contact with accident victims in order to apologize. In addition, they are also responsible for communicating death notifications, putting people in touch with public and private assistance facilities and providing information about expected procedures.

The victim protection officers have extensive information material on the numerous victim support facilities available and can establish appropriate contacts if required. In personal discussions with victims, the victim protection officers can offer targeted help and point out all the options for assistance, in particular under the Victim Compensation Act. The services are free of charge.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110