Participatory road safety campaign at the Sterkrad weekly market

Road safety campaign at the Sterkrad weekly market
Participatory road safety campaign at the Sterkrad weekly market
"Blind flight carpet" at the Sterkrad weekly market
Road safety advisors from the Oberhausen police rolled out a 14-meter-long "blind flight carpet" at the Sterkrad weekly market.

One second - it doesn't sound like much, but it can make the difference between life and death. The Oberhausen police and the road safety organization drew attention to this with the so-called "blind flight carpet". The road safety advisors rolled out a 14-metre-long "blind flight carpet" at the Sterkrad weekly market at the beginning of June as part of the nationwide "Slow down" traffic campaign.

14 meters of blind flight at 50 km/h

He gave the citizens a visual demonstration of the distance they cover "blindly" by car in one second of distraction: at 50 km/h, it is 14 meters. Life-size cardboard figures were placed on the carpet to symbolize pedestrians and a patrol car was placed at the beginning of the carpet. Citizens were able to sit in the car and see the distances from the driver's perspective. The officers also explained what consequences a brief distraction at the wheel can have. Even a quick glance at the smartphone would have caused the driver to knock down the pedestrians.

Not only did the "blind flight carpet" invite visitors to join in and try it out on Saturday, they were also able to test their reaction and vision skills. The campaign took place in cooperation with the traffic watch and the city of Oberhausen from 10 to 13 in front of the technical town hall on Bahnhofsstraße.



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